MS Project Tutorial Advanced Topics

Once you master the base of MS Project and you know how to create resources, handle budget and costs, you might want to dig deeper into MS Project. For this we introduce a serie of tutorials on advanced topics. You can jump to any section without worries they are all independant.

This section will evolve as new trainings are added.

Lesson Title Description Link
#31 Tasks Links Relationships ● Dependencies When you link tasks in Microsoft Project a default link is established of type Finish-to-Statrt (FS). This is fine for many situations. You can improve some of those links with different types of links. We made it easy to understand with a concrete project example where we plan an event.


#32  Learn to use Task Path to find predecessors in Complex Projects In Microsoft  project you can use the task path that will isolate the predecessors or successors of a task by using different colors. You will learn how to use them with a software development template from MS Project.


#33  Split Tasks In a project we might need to split a task for various reasons. With Microsoft Project you will learn how to do this in a simple way.


#45 MS Importing from Excel and Outlook Your team did a work estimation in Excel and you will learn how to import it into Microsoft Project.



